Thursday 23 June 2011


Last year I bought the Old Girl a step machine. Its called a Power Boost and is the kind where you perform alpine-like ski- walking exercises. The Old Girl doesn't ski and thought my purchase was a bit naff. It cost me a good $25.00 at the Salvation Army shop! Admittedly it is a bit old, a bit cumbersome and generally out of date. It has sat in the study getting in the way for a while. Today, after stubbing my toe (again) on the bloody immovable thing I decided to get rid of it. Out came my trusty tool box with the pull-out drawers and lift up lid that contains socket sets, screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, clamps and all sorts of things that I don't know what they do.

Unwrapping various implements from their original cellophane packaging I took to the machine.
After about and hour and a half I had reduced it to manageable pieces ready for despatch (or more likely storage under the house for the next 10 years).

Note the main body not so carefully placed outside after it 'bit' me.
After putting the pieces outside ready to go under the house I returned to the study to pick up any loose bolts and screws to put in the 'bits and pieces' box and, horror of horrors, saw the oil and grease stains on the oriental carpet in the study. In my usual 'rip, shit and bust' manner I had done the job without a drop cloth beneath the machine. The bastard leaked bits on to the carpet.

I looked up 'cleaning oil stains off carpet' on the internet and set to it, mixing up a cocktail of ingredients from the cleaning cupboard (including alcohol) and rubbing the carpet clean.
Fortunately oriental carpets have lots of colours and intricate patterns so can be quite forgiving to the odd stain, providing of course that it is in a dark room and you squint your eyes a bit.

As I was tidying up the last spots the phone rang. It was the Old Girl ringing from Auckland saying that she was on the way home today instead of tomorrow......."Hello......hello......hell.. Oh, I thought the line had gone dead, I'll see you in a couple of hours" she said. I'm dead unless this carpet dries out in the next few hours.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Put a pot plant over it and tell her it's a welcome home gift.

THE WINE GUY said...

"Admittedly it is a bit old, a bit cumbersome and generally out of date. It has sat in the study getting in the way for a while. "

Are you sure that it is the machine you are talking about and not yourself?

Richard (of RBB) said...

The Wine Guy, please let me assure you that Agent Comeinyourpants' right hand (and arm, for that matter) is in very good shape!